Mari Mäkiö & Tamás Szvet 
Local Lights / 地域の光 interactive light installation, infra red light, handmade Japanese mino washi paper, dimension variable, 2016 / インタラクティブ・ライト・インスタレーション、赤外線ライト、手漉美濃和紙、サイズ可変、2016

In the installation the visitors most memorable places in Yamaguchi Prefecture were collected. After writing down the coordinates, infra red (IR) lights are placed under the map of Akiyoshidai. The IR lights are not visible with human eye, but by using mobile phone camera the content becomes visible. In this way an invisible map of memories is created by the participants.
The cooperative work made by Mari Mäkiö and Tamás Szvet during the AIAV Akiyoshidai International Art Village Artist in residence program in 2016.

Mari Mäkiö: www.marimakio.com
AIAV Akiyoshidai International Art Village:  http://aiav.jp/english/



L11         ここの山頂で歌います。下の畑の人に歌いかけたいと思いながら。
I sing on the top of this mountain, thinking I want to sing to people in the field.

T0         The first place to meet Monkeys in my life.

J6          Beppu Benten Ike. Color changes in pond when making wave.

K12       長登しだれ桜(小倉勉氏の前庭)幹囲 1.65M、高さ 9M、樹齢 130 年以上、一本桜

Naganobori weeping cherry tree (the front garden of Tsutomu Ogura house). The trunk is 1.65m around, 9m tall, over 130 years old, the single cherry blossom tree

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Please contact Tamas Szvet for use or publication of these articles or any written or visual content